Human Ivory

Human Ivory

Human Ivory is bespoke jewellery made from your own teeth or your loved ones’. Send us your lost teeth and receive your personal pearl jewellery.

How personal can jewellery become? Human Ivory proposes an egalitarian jewellery collection, where the body is being adorned by it’s own gem, polished from recognizable teeth into an abstract but familiar pearl shape.

Select one of the following Human Ivory jewellery and add it to your shopping cart to commission your own personal bespoke piece. Price ranges are indicated in the different product pages.

How it works

  1. Please email us at majeruslucie (at) with photos of the tooth available (baby teeth, wisdom teeth, molar or incisors) and your jewellery wish.
  2. We will contact you with a quotation.
  3. You send us your teeth wrapped in bubble foil to the provided address in Luxembourg.
  4. Your bespoke jewellery will be produced. Once ready, we’ll send you pictures of the finished product. This process takes between one and three weeks.
  5. You transfer the price and we send out your order.

Human Ivory in the media

Human Ivory has been featured all over the web and in newspapers. Here you can find a selection: